Taylor Wessing PartG mbB invites you to their event

Global Whistleblower Channels for Global Japanese Companies: Establishment, Maintenance & Compliance

About this event

Many Japanese companies today have set up or are setting up their global whistleblower channels. This is primarily due to the increasing need for Japanese headquarters to establish consolidated internal control systems to gather non-compliant information or irregularities directly from employees all over the world.

Apart from establishing these reporting channels, it is also crucial to properly maintain and run them. Compliance with the relevant regulatory regimes such as data privacy legislation including GDPR, immediately comes into consideration.

Further, under the EU Directive for Whistleblower Protection 2019, the EU Member States are obliged to transpose the Directive's provisions into their national legislation by 17 December 2021, and new ISO37002 regarding whistleblowing management systems are coming soon.

Join GI&T Law Office, Taylor Wessing and NAVEX Global in this exciting webinar where we will discuss the significance of global whistleblower systems and the features to look out for in setting up and running them in a compliant and effective manner.

We hope you can tune in and join us.

Hosted by

  • Guest speaker
    Jan Tadeusz Stappers Senior Manager, partnerships @ WhistleB (NAVEX Global)

    Jan Tadeusz Stappers is senior manager partnerships for NAVEX Global’s digital whistleblowing solution, WhistleB.

  • Guest speaker
    Axel Ascan Andreas Freiherr von Dem Bussche Partner @ Taylor Wessing

    Axel Freiherr von dem Bussche ist Fachanwalt für Informationstechnologierecht, leitet die Praxisgruppe Technology, Media & Telecoms und koordiniert Taylor Wessings internationale US Group für Deutschland.

  • Guest speaker
    Kengo Nishigaki Representative Partner @ GI&T Law Office

    Kengo Nishigaki founded GI&T Law Office LC in Tokyo, Japan, in 2020.

  • Guest speaker
    Prof. Dr. Michael Pils Partner @ Taylor Wessing

    Michael Pils ist anerkannter Experte für die arbeitsrechtliche Betreuung von nationalen und internationalen Unternehmenskäufen sowie für Post-Merger-Integration. Mit Leidenschaft stellt er stets die Unternehmenskultur und die Bedürfnisse der Mandanten in den Mittelpunkt.

Taylor Wessing PartG mbB

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